
How Clean Is Your House?

Housework is something you do that nobody notices until you don't do it. ~Author Unknown 

This picture by photographer Dr Ewa
Don't cook.  Don't clean.  No man will ever make love to a woman because she waxed the linoleum - "My God, the floor's immaculate.  Lie down, you hot bitch."  ~Joan Rivers


  1. I live with my mother, and a maid comes here to clean the house every week, so my house is pretty neat. I am, however, responsible for cleaning my own room, and it is scarily messy. I'm always too lazy to clean it up.

  2. This is good insight. I like the visual.

  3. hey there! thanks so much for stopping by my blog this morning! So glad you did so I can discover your blog! So much to love! I love your clever calendar idea, your quotes, and your Halloween post! I'll be back for more soon!

  4. The first photo looks alot like my living room at this very moment...I am setting a mandantory 45min cleaning time for the whole family this afternoon - if it aint clean, we aint trickortreating...maybe it will work! Thanks for commenting on my blog, love finding new readers!

  5. Oh that is so funny, so are the pic's. Housework is a pain, must admit I get someone else to do it ... otherwise that would be me above ..in the 1st pic :o

    Happy Halloween,

  6. Wow what a great post and I like that 1st quote! Love your blog.

  7. Call me boring...gotta have a clean house. Joan's words made me roar this morning. thanks for posting :)))

  8. You need some general cleaning to do.
