
No Need to Wear a Watch

I wouldn't normally post an empty home but this one I have to show. I saw this Brooklyn apartment for sale in The New York Times the other day and was blown away by the spectacular architecture. So if you have a spare $8.5 million this could be yours. Actually someone has just corrected me and it is a WHOPPING $25 million. When you move in can you contact me so we can photograph you in your space. I'm serious!

Check The New York Times for the full story


  1. Very Impressive !!! wow. And yes, I would also like to see the picture of the lucky owner !..
    Greets from France.
    Flo // http://blog.reflexdeco.fr

  2. I wish I had $8.5 million to spare, but that would still just buy me an other apartment in the same building. The penthouse with the clock (pictured above) has gone on the market for no less than $25 million (!), it says in the Times.

  3. And it has a spectacular view, too!

  4. wow, what an amazing place!!

  5. great place wow! xx cat
    CiTiEs of B
