
BREAKING NEWS- SnOOping for Creative Homes

Photo by Lala Ladcani
Hey SnOOper's I need your help. I am about to begin working on my very first book. It's a dream come true and I'm very excited about it because I have been developing it the last couple of years on SnOOp where I have rediscovered how important our home is to each of us. I now need your special SnOOping skills in letting me know if you or someone you know has a home that makes you feel good. 

Ideally, I'm looking for interesting creative people in any industry from architecture to well anything who may have a high spec house which has tackled urban living to a home which has thrown away the design rules.

I'm looking for houses and apartments from all over the globe so if you think you know the perfect place then please email me with pictures, short description and location of home.


  1. Good luck with you're book! I can't wait to see the finished product, I'm sure it will be fab :D x

  2. sounds like a real cool project, i'm not in this position but have you been on the interiors website? http://freundevonfreunden.com/interviews it's all creative types
